class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # PETSc
: Time Integration ### Jed Brown (CU Boulder) ### PETSc User Meeting, 2019-06-05 --- # What is `TS`? `TS` solves differential equations $$ \dot u = G(t,u), $$ differential algebraic equations, $$ F(t, u, \dot u) = 0, $$ and the combined representation $$ F(t, u, \dot u) = G(t, u). $$ --- # Common examples ## Advection equation $$ \dot u = - \mathbf w \cdot \nabla u $$ where `\(\mathbf w\)` is a divergence-free vector field. ## Heat/diffusion equation $$ \dot u = \nabla\cdot (\kappa \nabla u) $$ where `\(\kappa\)` is SPD. --- # The interface ```c TS ts; Vec u,r; TSCreate(comm,&ts); TSSetDM(ts,da); // for multigrid and to use in callbacks TSSetRHSFunction(ts,r,MyRHSFunction,context); TSSetDuration(ts,maxsteps,maxtime); TSSetFromOptions(ts); SetInitialCondition(&u); // user TSSolve(ts,u); ``` --- # The RHSFunction: `\(\dot U = G(t, U)\)` ```c PetscErrorCode G(TS ts,PetscReal time,Vec U,Vec F,void *vctx) { Vec Uloc; PetscInt i,xs,xm; PetscScalar *u,*f; DM da; TSGetDM(ts, &dm); DMGetLocalVector(dm, &Uloc); DMGlobalToLocal(dm, U, INSERT_VALUES, Uloc); DMDAGetCorners(da,&xs,0,0,&xm,0,0); DMDAVecGetArray(da,Uloc,&u); DMDAVecGetArray(da,F,&f); for (i=xs; i<xs+xm; i++) { f[i] = (u[i+1] - u[i-1])/(2*dx); } ``` --- # Building an example ```bash module load petsc cp -r $PETSC_DIR/share/petsc/examples . cd examples/src/ts/examples/tutorials make -B ex9 ``` ## Why `-B`? -B, --always-make Unconditionally make all targets. --- # Explicit methods ### `-ts_type` * **"euler"**: Forward Euler * **"rk"**: Explicit Runge-Kutta with adaptive error control * **"ssp"**: Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta --- # Running: 1D advection using a TVD finite volume method $ ./ex9 -ts_monitor -ts_type ssp # ssp is the default Solution range [-1.00000, 1.00000] with extrema at 0 and 25, mean -0.00000, ||x||_TV 0.08000 Final time 10.00800, steps 278 Solution range [-0.99981, 0.99981] with extrema at 5 and 30, mean -0.00000, ||x||_TV 0.07998 If you're running locally (with X11) ./ex9 -ts_monitor -ts_monitor_draw_solution -draw_pause 0.1 --- # How big are the time steps? $ ./ex9 -ts_monitor -ts_type ssp -ts_monitor [...] 276 TS dt 0.036 time 9.936 277 TS dt 0.036 time 9.972 278 TS dt 0.036 time 10.008 Final time 10.00800, steps 278 Solution range [-0.99981, 0.99981] with extrema at 5 and 30, mean -0.00000, ||x||_TV 0.07998 --- # Adaptivity * `-ts_adapt_type` <basic>: Algorithm to use for adaptivity (one of) none basic dsp cfl glee history (TSAdaptSetType) * **"basic"** standard order/accuracy based error control * **"dsp"** PI/PID controllers from digital signal processing (Lisandro) * **"cfl"** using Courant-Friedrichs-Levy (CFL) criteria Bounding time step sizes -ts_adapt_dt_min <1e-20>: Minimum time step considered (TSAdaptSetStepLimits) -ts_adapt_dt_max <1e+20>: Maximum time step considered (TSAdaptSetStepLimits) * Run with `-help | grep ts_adapt` for more --- # RK with adaptivity $ ./ex9 -ts_type rk Solution range [-1.00000, 1.00000] with extrema at 0 and 25, mean -0.00000, ||x||_TV 0.08000 Final time 10.00814, steps 547 Solution range [-1.00000, 1.00000] with extrema at 6 and 31, mean -0.00000, ||x||_TV 0.08000 $ ./ex9 -ts_type rk -ts_adapt_monitor Solution range [-1.00000, 1.00000] with extrema at 0 and 25, mean -0.00000, ||x||_TV 0.08000 TSAdapt basic rk 0:3bs step 0 rejected t=0 + 3.600e-02 dt=1.010e-02 wlte= 33 wltea= -1 wlter= -1 TSAdapt basic rk 0:3bs step 0 accepted t=0 + 1.010e-02 dt=1.552e-02 wlte=0.201 wltea= -1 wlter= -1 TSAdapt basic rk 0:3bs step 1 rejected t=0.0100984 + 1.552e-02 dt=1.011e-02 wlte= 2.64 wltea= -1 wlter= -1 TSAdapt basic rk 0:3bs step 1 accepted t=0.0100984 + 1.011e-02 dt=9.535e-03 wlte=0.869 wltea= -1 wlter= -1 TSAdapt basic rk 0:3bs step 2 accepted t=0.0202081 + 9.535e-03 dt=1.048e-02 wlte= 0.55 wltea= -1 wlter= -1 TSAdapt basic rk 0:3bs step 3 rejected t=0.029743 + 1.048e-02 dt=6.589e-03 wlte= 2.93 wltea= -1 wlter= -1 TSAdapt basic rk 0:3bs step 3 accepted t=0.029743 + 6.589e-03 dt=8.492e-03 wlte=0.341 wltea= -1 wlter= -1 TSAdapt basic rk 0:3bs step 546 accepted t=9.98866 + 1.949e-02 dt=1.919e-02 wlte=0.763 wltea= -1 wlter= -1 Final time 10.00814, steps 547 Solution range [-1.00000, 1.00000] with extrema at 6 and 31, mean -0.00000, ||x||_TV 0.08000 --- # RK without adaptivity $ ./ex9 -ts_type rk -ts_adapt_monitor -ts_adapt_type none Solution range [-1.00000, 1.00000] with extrema at 0 and 25, mean -0.00000, ||x||_TV 0.08000 TSAdapt none rk 0:3bs step 0 accepted t=0 + 3.600e-02 dt=3.600e-02 TSAdapt none rk 0:3bs step 1 accepted t=0.036 + 3.600e-02 dt=3.600e-02 TSAdapt none rk 0:3bs step 2 accepted t=0.072 + 3.600e-02 dt=3.600e-02 TSAdapt none rk 0:3bs step 3 accepted t=0.108 + 3.600e-02 dt=3.600e-02 TSAdapt none rk 0:3bs step 276 accepted t=9.936 + 3.600e-02 dt=3.600e-02 TSAdapt none rk 0:3bs step 277 accepted t=9.972 + 3.600e-02 dt=3.600e-02 Final time 10.00800, steps 278 Solution range [-1.00042, 1.00042] with extrema at 11 and 36, mean -0.00000, ||x||_TV 0.08003 --- # Globalization by continuation We want to solve `\(G(u) = 0\)`, but Newton stagnates. * Try a grid sequence: solve on coarse grid, interpolate, solve * Try a parameter continuation: solve with small Reynolds number, increase and solve again * Pseudotransient continuation: integrate `\(\dot u = G(u)\)` to steady state * DAE variant: `\(M \dot u = G(u)\)` with `\(V\)` singular --- # Pseudotransient continuation for thermal/lid-driven cavity .pull-left[ $$ - \nabla^2 u - \omega_y = 0 $$ $$ - \nabla^2 v + \omega_x = 0 $$ $$ \omega_t - \nabla^2 \omega + \mathbf u \cdot \nabla\omega - \mathrm{Gr} T_x = 0 $$ $$ T_t - \nabla^2 T + \mathrm{Pr} ( u T_x + v T_y ) = 0 $$] .pull-right[![](figures/SNES/DrivenCavitySolution.jpg)] .footnote.left[See Coffey, Kelley, and Keyes (2003)] --- # Running $ salloc -N 1 -n 4 -p highcpu-16 mpiexec ./ex26 -ts_type pseudo \ -pc_type mg -pc_mg_galerkin -da_refine 6 -pc_mg_levels 5 \ -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_pc_type jacobi \ -cuda_view -ts_monitor -ksp_converged_reason -ts_view -log_view \ -dm_mat_type aijcusparse -dm_vec_type cuda 193x193 grid, lid velocity = 2.68464e-05, prandtl # = 1., grashof # = 1. 0 TS dt 9650. time 0. Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 9 1 TS dt 10615. time 10615. Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 7 2 TS dt 183703. time 194318. Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 7 3 TS dt 3.04654e+07 time 3.06598e+07 Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 9 4 TS dt 1.08875e+10 time 1.09181e+10 Linear solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 11 5 TS dt 3.99672e+14 time 3.99683e+14 TS Object: 1 MPI processes --- # Next steps * Many other **implicit** and **IMEX** integrators * [**Multi-rate** integrators]( * [**Symplectic** integrators]( for Hamiltonian systems * [`TSAdjointSolve`]( computes sensitivity of outputs with respect to inputs/forcing/parameters * [`TSSetEventHandler`]( flexible handling/location of algebraically-defined "events" * [PETSc/TS: A Modern Scalable ODE/DAE Solver Library]( -- # Questions? .footnote[Slides created via the R package [**xaringan**](]