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Journal of Open Source Software

Jed Brown, CU Boulder

CSDMS, 2019-05-21

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What is JOSS?

Citations are academic currency

  • Research can be effectively disseminated via software
  • What should be cited?
    • Web page? 10-year old methods paper? User's manual?

JOSS: peer review for research software

  • ISSN 2475-9066, CrossRef DOI
  • Open, constructive review
  • Developer friendly
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JOSS review process

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Submitting to JOSS

  • The software should be open source as per the OSI definition
  • The software should have an obvious research application
  • You should be a major contributor to the software you are submitting
  • The software should be a significant contribution to the available open source software that either enables some new research challenges to be addressed or makes addressing research challenges significantly better (e.g., faster, easier, simpler)
  • The software should be feature complete (no half-baked solutions) and designed for maintainable extension (not one-off modifications). Minor ‘utility’ packages, including ‘thin’ API clients, are not acceptable.

Also, available in a public repository, open issue tracker, accepting contributions.

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Write a JOSS paper: metadata

title: 'Lithology: A Landlab submodule for spatially variable rock properties'
- Python
- Landlab
- name: Katherine R. Barnhart
orcid: 0000-0001-5682-455X
affiliation: 1, 2
- name: University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Geological Sciences
index: 1
date: 16 August 2018
bibliography: papers.bib
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Write a JOSS paper: content

# Summary
The surface of the Earth reflects the competing advection of rock by tectonic
processes and the erosion of rock by wind, water, and ice. Rock properties
influence erosion rates by changing the processes responsible for erosion and
the rate at which rock is weathered, detached, and turned into mobile sediment.
Variations in the rock properties over space and with depth reflect the legacy
of sedimentary deposition and tectonic deformation. Long-term landscape
evolution modeling experiments that include the impact of spatially and
temporally variable rock characteristics can be used to identify the impact of
rock strength patterns on other geologic observables such as topography, erosion
rates, and detrital mineral records [e.g., @Forte2016Complexites;
@Perne2017Steady]. Identifying these relationships allows for better
interpretations of the geologic record.
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Write a JOSS paper: Pandoc Markdown

Inline math $\pi^2$ as well as displayed math
$$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{ikx} f(x) \mathrm{d}x$$
![Images with captions](

Inline math \(\pi^2\) as well as displayed math $$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{ikx} f(x) \mathrm{d}x$$ Images with captions

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What goes in the paper?

  • Papers are short: typically 1-3 pages

    • Do not duplicate software/API documentation
    • Not a detailed methods paper
  • What research problem does your software solve?

  • What other software is relevant to these problems?
  • Strive to help a prospective user choose appropriate software.
  • Cite important papers describing methodology
  • Cite key software dependencies
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JOSS reviews are constructive

The goal is to improve the quality of the research software, not to make accept/reject decisions.

The review process is open.

Packages that follow best practices can be accepted quickly. Other packages may need a lot of work.

JOSS author praise

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Reviewers file issues with project

Issue filed

  • Discussion continues in review issue.
  • Rapid response cycle compared to traditional journals.
  • Reviewers eventually recommend acceptance.
Recommend acceptance
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Prizes for reviewers!

JOSS Hoody

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JOSS is growing: pubs per month

Publications by month

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Geosciences editors

Lindsey Heagy Kristen Thyng Leonardo Uieda

Lindsey Heagy (@lheagy)

Editor: Geoscience, geophysics

Kristen Thyng (@kthyng)

Editor: computational fluid dynamics, oceanography, geosciences

Leonardo Uieda (@leouieda)

Editor: Geoscience, Geophysics, Data Visualization

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Business Model

JOSS is an open-access journal committed to running at minimal costs, with zero publication fees (article processing charges) or subscription fees. With volunteer effort from our editorial board, community reviewers, donations, and minimal infrastructure costs we be- lieve JOSS can remain a free community service.

Operating costs:

  • Annual Crossref membership: $275 / year
  • JOSS paper DOIs: $1 / accepted paper
  • JOSS website hosting (Heroku): $19 / month

Cost per paper: $3.50 (assuming 200 papers per year)

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Get Involved!

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Get Involved!

Slides created via the R package xaringan.

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What is JOSS?

Citations are academic currency

  • Research can be effectively disseminated via software
  • What should be cited?
    • Web page? 10-year old methods paper? User's manual?

JOSS: peer review for research software

  • ISSN 2475-9066, CrossRef DOI
  • Open, constructive review
  • Developer friendly
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