

  • Richard Tran Mills, Mark F. Adams, Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Jacob Faibussowitsch, Toby Isaac, Matthew G. Knepley, Todd Munson, Hansol Suh, Stefano Zampini, Hong Zhang, and Junchao Zhang. PETSc/TAO developments for GPU-based early exascale systems. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 0(0):1–20, 2025. doi:10.1177/10943420241303710.

2024 (submitted)

  • Martin Schreiber and Jed Brown. A unification and investigation of rational approximation of exponential integration methods. working paper or preprint, December 2024 (submitted). URL:
    PDF ] [BibTeX]


  • Manuel S Drehwald, Jed Brown, William S Moses, Lorenz Schmidt, and Ningning Xie. When unsafe code is slow: automatic differentiation in Rust. 2024.
  • Rezgar Shakeri*, Leila Ghaffari*, Jeremy L. Thompson*, and Jed Brown. Stable numerics for finite-strain elasticity. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 125(21):e7563, 2024. arXiv:2401.13196, doi:10.1002/nme.7563.


  • Ahmad Abdelfattah, Valeria Barra*, Natalie Beams, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Veselin Dobrev, Yohann Dudouit, Leila Ghaffari*, Sebastian Grimberg, Tzanio Kolev, David Medina, Will Pazner, Thilina Ratnayaka, Rezgar Shakeri*, Jeremy L Thompson*, Stanimire Tomov, and James Wright III*. libCEED user manual. November 2023. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10062388.
  • Zach Atkins*, Jed Brown, Leila Ghaffari*, Rezgar Shakeri*, Ren Stengel*, and Jeremy L Thompson*. Ratel user manual. November 2023. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10063890.
  • Satish Balay, Shrirang Abhyankar, Mark F. Adams, Steven Benson, Jed Brown, Peter Brune, Kris Buschelman, Emil Constantinescu, Lisandro Dalcin, Alp Dener, Victor Eijkhout, Jacob Faibussowitsch, William D. Gropp, Václav Hapla, Tobin Isaac, Pierre Jolivet, Dmitry Karpeev, Dinesh Kaushik, Matthew G. Knepley, Fande Kong, Scott Kruger, Dave A. May, Lois Curfman McInnes, Richard Tran Mills, Lawrence Mitchell, Todd Munson, Jose E. Roman, Karl Rupp, Patrick Sanan, Jason Sarich, Barry F. Smith, Stefano Zampini, Hong Zhang, Hong Zhang, and Junchao Zhang. PETSc/TAO users manual. Technical Report ANL-21/39 - Revision 3.20, Argonne National Laboratory, 2023. doi:10.2172/2205494.
  • Jeff Hammond, Lisandro Dalcin, Erik Schnetter, Marc Pérache, Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Jed Brown, Gonzalo Brito Gadeschi, Simon Byrne, Joseph Schuchart, and Hui Zhou. Mpi application binary interface standardization. In Proceedings of the 30th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 1–12. 2023. Best Paper Award. doi:10.1145/3615318.3615319.
  • Tzanio Kolev, Paul Fischer, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Zachary Atkins*, Adeleke Bankole*, Natalie Beams, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Robert Carson, Noel Chalmers, Veselin Dobrev, John Holmen, Kenneth E Jansen, Stefan Kerkemeier, Yu-Hsiang Lan, Damon McDougall, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Malachi Phillips, Thilina Ratnayaka, Kris Rowe, Mark S. Shephard, Cameron W. Smith, Jeremy L. Thompson*, Ananias Tomboulides, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, Umesh Unnikrishnan, Arturo Vargas, Tim Warburton, and James Wright III*. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Support ECP applications in their exascale challenge problem runs. April 2023. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7820316.
  • Tzanio Kolev, Paul Fischer, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Ramesh Balakrishnan, Natalie Beams, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Hugh Carson, Robert Carson, Noel Chalmers, Matthew Churchfield, Veselin Dobrev, Sebastian Grimberg, Yichen Guo, Stefan Kerkemeier, Yu-Hsiang Lan, Victor A. Mateevitsi, Matthew McCall, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Ketan Mittal, Will Pazner, Malachi Phillips, Finnur Pind, Thilina Ratnayaka, Robert N. Rieben, Kris Rowe, Mark S. Shephard, Cameron W. Smith, Thomas Stitt, Michael Sprague, Amik St-Cyr, Solvi Thrastarson, Ananias Tomboulides, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, Arturo Vargas, Tim Warburton, and Kenneth Weiss. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Document and popularize CEED-developed software and standards. October 2023. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10023494.
  • Michael McCabe*, Peter Harrington, Shashank Subramanian, and Jed Brown. Towards stability of autoregressive neural operators. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023. URL:
  • Jeremy L. Thompson*, Jed Brown, and Yunhui He. Local fourier analysis of p-multigrid for high-order finite element operators. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(3):S351–S370, 2023. doi:10.1137/21M1431199.
  • Jake Tronge, Howard Pritchard, and Jed Brown. Improving MPI safety for modern languages. In Proceedings of the 30th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 1–11. 2023. doi:10.1145/3615318.3615328.


  • Mark Adams, Satish Balay, Oana Marin, Lois Curfman Mcinnes, Richard Tran Mills, Todd Munson, Hong Zhang, Junchao Zhang, Jed Brown, Victor Eijkhout, Jacob Faibussowitsch, Matthew Knepley, Fande Kong, Scott Kruger, and Barry Smith. The petsc community as infrastructure. Computing in Science & Engineering, 2022. arXiv:2201.00967, doi:10.1109/MCSE.2022.3169974.
  • Jed Brown, Valeria Barra*, Natalie Beams, Leila Ghaffari*, Matthew Knepley, William Moses, Rezgar Shakeri*, Karen Stengel*, Jeremy L. Thompson*, and Junchao Zhang. Performance portable solid mechanics via matrix-free $p$-multigrid. 2022. URL:, doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2204.01722.
  • Kenneth E. Jansen and Jed Brown. Numerical Methods in Turbulence Simulation, chapter Finite element methods for turbulence. Academic Press, 2022. doi:10.1016/B978-0-32-391144-3.00011-5.
  • Tzanio Kolev, Paul Fischer, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Adeleke Bankole*, Natalie Beams, Michael Brazell, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Noel Chalmers, Matthew Churchfield, Veselin Dobrev, Yohann Dudouit, Leila Ghaffari*, John Holmen, Stefan Kerkemeier, Yu-Hsiang Lan, Yimin Lin, Damon McDougall, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Ketan Mittal, Will Pazner, Malachi Phillips, Thilina Ratnayaka, Kris Rowe, Mark S. Shephard, Cameron W. Smith, Michael Sprague, Jeremy L. Thompson*, Ananias Tomboulides, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, Tim Warburton, and James Wright* III. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Improve performance and capabilities of CEED-enabled ECP applications on Frontier/Aurora EA. September 2022. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7202571.
  • Tzanio Kolev, Paul Fischer, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Natalie Beams, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Robert Carson, Noel Chalmers, Veselin Dobrev, Yohann Dudouit, Leila Ghaffari*, Aditya Y. Joshi, Stefan Kerkemeier, Yu-Hsiang Lan, Damon McDougall, David Medina, Misun Min, Abhishek Mishra, Will Pazner, Malachi Phillips, Thilina Ratnayaka, Mark S. Shephard, Morteza H. Siboni, Cameron W. Smith, Jeremy L. Thompson*, Ananias Tomboulides, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: High-order algorithmic developments and optimizations for more robust exascale applications. April 2022. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6514857.
  • Junchao Zhang, Jed Brown, Satish Balay, Jacob Faibussowitsch, Matthew Knepley, Oana Marin, Richard Tran Mills, Todd Munson, Barry F. Smith, and Stefano Zampini. The PetscSF scalable communication layer. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2022. arXiv:2102.13018, doi:10.1109/TPDS.2021.3084070.


  • Ahmad Abdelfattah, Valeria Barra*, Natalie Beams, Ryan Bleile, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Robert Carson, Noel Chalmers, Veselin Dobrev, Yohann Dudouit, Paul Fischer, Ali Karakus, Stefan Kerkemeier, Tzanio Kolev, Yu-Hsiang Lan, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Malachi Phillips, Thilina Rathnayake, Robert Rieben, Thomas Stitt, Ananias Tomboulides, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, Arturo Vargas, Timothy Warburton, and Kenneth Weiss. GPU algorithms for efficient exascale discretizations. Parallel Computing, 108:102841, 2021. arXiv:2109.05072, doi:10.1016/j.parco.2021.102841.
  • Jed Brown, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Valeria Barra*, Natalie Beams, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Veselin Dobrev, Yohann Dudouit, Leila Ghaffari*, Tzanio Kolev, David Medina, Will Pazner, Thilina Ratnayaka, Jeremy Thompson*, and Stan Tomov. libCEED: fast algebra for high-order element-based discretizations. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(63):2945, 2021. doi:10.21105/joss.02945.
  • Jed Brown, Yunhui He, Scott MacLachlan, Matt Menickelly, and Stefan M Wild. Tuning multigrid methods with robust optimization. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43:A109–A138, 2021. arXiv:2001.00887, doi:10.1137/19M1308669.
  • Tzanio Kolev, Paul Fischer, Anthony P. Austin, Andrew T. Barker, Natalie Beams, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Noel Chalmers, Veselin Dobrev, Yohann Dudouit, and et al. CEED ECP milestone report: high-order algorithmic developments and optimizations for large-scale GPU-accelerated simulations. March 2021. doi:10.5281/zenodo.4672664.
  • Tzanio Kolev, Paul Fischer, Natalie Beams, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Noel Chalmers, Veselin Dobrev, Yohan Dudouit, Stefan Kerkemeier, Yu-Hsiang Lan, Yimin Lin, Neil Lindquist, Damon McDougall, David Medina, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Scott Moe, Will Pazner, Malachi Phillips, Thilina Ratnayaka, Kris Rowe, Mark S. Shephard, Cameron W. Smith, Stanimire Tomov, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Port and optimize the CEED software stack to Aurora / Frontier EA Systems. September 2021. URL:, doi:10.5281/zenodo.5542244.
  • Tzanio Kolev, Paul Fischer, Misun Min, Jack Dongarra, Jed Brown, Veselin Dobrev, Tim Warburton, Stanimire Tomov, Mark S. Shephard, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Valeria Barra*, Natalie Beams, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Noel Chalmers, Yohann Dudouit, Ali Karakus, Ian Karlin, Stefan Kerkemeier, Yu-Hsiang Lan, David Medina, Elia Merzari, Aleksandr Obabko, Will Pazner, Thilina Rathnayake, Cameron W. Smith, Lukas Spies, Kasia Swirydowicz, Jeremy Thompson*, Ananias Tomboulides, and Vladimir Tomov. Efficient exascale discretizations: high-order finite element methods. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2021. arXiv:2109.04996, doi:10.1177/10943420211020803.
  • Michael McCabe* and Jed Brown. Learning to assimilate in chaotic dynamical systems. In Thirty-Fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. 2021. Acceptance Rate 25.6URL:
  • Arash Mehraban*, Jeremy Thompson*, Jed Brown, Richard Regueiro, Valeria Barra*, and Henry Tufo. Simulating compressible and nearly-incompressible linear elasticity using an efficient parallel scalable matrix-free high-order finite element method. In Proceedings of WCCM-ECCOMAS2020, 1–15. 2021. doi:10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.302.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Richard Tran Mills, Mark F. Adams, Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Alp Dener, Matthew Knepley, Scott E. Kruger, Hannah Morgan, Todd Munson, Karl Rupp, Barry F. Smith, Stefano Zampini, Hong Zhang, and Junchao Zhang. Toward performance-portable PETSc for GPU-based exascale systems. Parallel Computing, 108:102831, 2021. arXiv:2011.00715, doi:10.1016/j.parco.2021.102831.


  • Ahmad Abdelfattah, Valeria Barra*, Natalie Beams, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Veselin Dobrev, Yohann Dudouit, Leila Ghaffari*, Tzanio Kolev, David Medina, Thilina Rathnayake, Jeremy L Thompson*, and Stanimire Tomov. Libceed user manual. September 2020. doi:10.5281/zenodo.4302737.
  • Paul Fischer, Misun Min, Thilina Rathnayake, Som Dutta, Tzanio Kolev, Veselin Dobrev, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Martin Kronbichler, Tim Warburton, Kasia Świrydowicz, and Jed Brown. Scalability of high-performance PDE solvers. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 34:562–586, 2020. arXiv:2004.06722, doi:10.1177/1094342020915762.
  • Tzanio Kolev, Paul Fischer, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Shreyas Ananthan, Valeria Barra*, Natalie Beams, Ryan Bleile, Jed Brown, Robert Carson, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Matthew Churchfield, Veselin Dobrev, Jack Dongarra, Yohann Dudouit, Ali Karakus, Stefan Kerkemeier, YuHsiang Lan, David Medina, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Scott Parker, Thilina Ratnayaka, Cameron Smith, Michael Sprague, Thomas Stitt, Jeremy Thompson*, Ananias Tomboulides, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, Arturo Vargas, Tim Warburton, and Kenneth Weiss. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Improve performance and capabilities of CEED-enabled ECP applications on Summit/Sierra. May 2020. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3860804.
  • Tzanio Kolev, Paul Fischer, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Valeria Barra*, Natalie Beams, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Noel Chalmers, Veselin Dobrev, Stefan Kerkemeier, Yu-Hsiang Lan, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Malachi Phillips, Thilina Ratnayaka, Kris Rowe, Jeremy Thompson*, Ananias Tomboulides, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Support CEED-enabled ECP applications in their preparation for Aurora/Frontier. September 2020. doi:10.5281/zenodo.4146401.
  • Tristan Konolige* and Jed Brown. Multigrid for bundle adjustment. 2020. arXiv:2007.01941.
  • Michael McCabe* and Jed Brown. Using differentiable physics for self-supervised assimilation of chaotic dynamical systems. In Workshop on Differentiable Vision, Graphics, and Physics in Machine Learning at NeurIPS 2020. 2020. URL:
  • Arash Mehraban*, Jed Brown, Valeria Barra*, Henry Tufo, Jeremy Thompson*, and Richard Regueiro. Efficient Residual and Matrix-Free Jacobian Evaluation for Three-Dimensional Tri-Quadratic Hexahedral Finite Elements With Nearly-Incompressible Neo-Hookean Hyperelasticity Applied to Soft Materials on Unstructured Meshes in Parallel, With PETSc and libCEED. In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, volume Volume 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids. 11 2020. V012T12A027. doi:10.1115/IMECE2020-24522.
  • Valeria Barra*, Jed Brown, Jeremy Thompson*, and Yohann Dudouit. High-performance operator evaluations with ease of use: libCEED's Python interface. In Meghann Agarwal, Chris Calloway, Dillon Niederhut, and David Shupe, editors, Proceedings of the 19th Python in Science Conference, 85 – 90. 2020. doi:10.25080/Majora-342d178e-00c.


  • Lorena Barba, Juanjo Bazán, Jed Brown, Roman V Guimera, Melissa Gymrek, Alex Hanna, Lindsey J Heagy, Kathryn D Huff, Daniel S Katz, Christopher R Madan, and et al. Giving software its due through community-driven review and publication. April 2019. URL:, doi:10.31219/
  • Lorena A. Barba, Lecia J. Barker, Douglas S. Blank, Jed Brown, Allen B. Downey, Timothy George, Lindsey J. Heagy, Kyle T. Mandli, Jason K. Moore, David Lippert, Kyle E. Niemeyer, Ryan R. Watkins, Richard H. West, Elizabeth Wickes, Carol Willing, and Michael Zingale. Teaching and Learning with Jupyter. GitHub, 2019. URL:
  • Jed Brown, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Valeria Barra*, Veselin Dobrev, Yohann Dudouit, Paul Fischer, Tzanio Kolev, David Medina, Misun Min, Thilina Ratnayaka, Cameron Smith, Jeremy Thompson*, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Public release of CEED 2.0. March 2019. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2641316.
  • Jed Brown, Yunhui He, and Scott MacLachlan. Local Fourier analysis of balancing domain decomposition by constraints algorithms. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41:S346–S369, 2019. arXiv:2108.01841, doi:10.1137/18M1191373.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Jean-Sylvain Camier, Paul Fischer, Ali Karakus, Stefan Kerkemeier, Tzanio Kolev, Yu-Hsiang Lan, David Medina, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Aleks Obabko, Thilina Ratnayaka, Dillon Shaver, Ananias Tomboulides, Vladimir Tomov, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Engage second wave ECP/CEED applications. March 2019. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2542359.
  • Mark Shephard, Valeria Barra*, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Yohan Dudouit, Paul Fischer, Tzanio Kolev, David Medina, Misun Min, Cameron Smith, Morteza H. Siboni, Jeremy Thompson*, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Improved Support for Parallel Adaptive Simulation in CEED. July 2019. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3336420.
  • Stanimire Tomov, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Valeria Barra*, Natalie Beams, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Veselin Dobrev, Jack Dongarra, Yohann Dudouit, Paul Fischer, Ali Karakus, Stefan Kerkemeier, Tzanio Kolev, YuHsiang Lan, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Aleks Obabko, Scott Parker, Thilina Ratnayaka, Jeremy Thompson*, Ananias Tomboulides, Vladimir Tomov, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Performance tuning of CEED software and 1st and 2nd wave apps. October 2019. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3477618.


  • Shrirang Abhyankar, Jed Brown, Emil M. Constantinescu, Debojyoti Ghosh, Barry F. Smith, and Hong Zhang. Petsc/ts: a modern scalable ode/dae solver library. 2018. arXiv:1806.01437.
  • Katherine Barnhart, Thorsten Becker, Mark Behn, Jed Brown, Eunseo Choi, Catherine Cooper, Juliane Dannberg, Nicole Gasparini, Rene Gassmoeller, Lorraine Hwang, Boris Kaus, Louise Kellogg, Luc Lavier, Eric Mittelstaedt, Louis Moresi, Adina Pusok, Greg Tucker, Phaedra Upton, and Pedro Va. CTSP: coupling of tectonic and surface processes. Technical Report, University of Colorado, 2018.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Jed Brown, Ahmad Abdelfata, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Veselin Dobrev, Jack Dongarra, Paul Fischer, Aaron Fisher, Yohann Dudouit, Azzam Haidar, Kazem Kamran, Tzanio Kalev, Misun Min, Thilina Ratnayaka, Mark Shephard, Cameron Smith, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Public release of CEED 1.0. March 2018. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2542343.
  • Jed Brown, Veselin Dobrev, Som Dutta, Paul Fischer, Kazem Kamran, Tzanio Kolev, David Medina, Misun' Min, Thilina Ratnayaka, Mark Shephard, Cameron Smith, and Jeremy Thompson*. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Propose high-order mesh/data format. June 2018. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2542346.
  • Dmitry Duplyakin*, Jed Brown, and Donna Calhoun. Evaluating active learning with cost and memory awareness. In 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 214–223. IEEE, 2018. Acceptance Rate 24.4doi:10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00031.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Tristan Konolige* and Jed Brown. A parallel solver for graph Laplacians. In Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC). 2018. Best Paper Award (25arXiv:1705.06266, doi:10.1145/3218176.3218227.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Stanimire Tomov, Pedro Bello-Maldonado, Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Veselin Dobrev, Jack Dongarr, Paul Fischer, Azzam Haidar, Tzanio Kolev, Elia Merzari, Misun Min, Aleks Obabko, Scott Parker, Thilina Ratnayaka, Jeremy Thompson*, Ahmad Abdelfattah, Vladimir Tomov, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Performance tuning of CEED software and first wave apps. September 2018. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2542350.
  • Samuel Williams, Mark F. Adams, and Jed Brown. High-performance geometric multigrid: An HPC performance benchmark. SIAM News, 2018. URL:


  • Mark F Adams, Eero Hirvijoki, Matthew G Knepley, Jed Brown, Tobin Isaac, and Richard Mills. Landau collision integral solver with adaptive mesh refinement on emerging architectures. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39(6):C452–C465, 2017. arXiv:1702.08880, doi:10.1137/17M1118828.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Jed Brown, Jean-Sylvain Camier, Veselin Dobrev, Paul Fischer, Tzanio Kolev, Thilina' Ratnayaka, Mark Shephard, Jeremy Thompson*, and Vladimir Tomov. Ceed ecp milestone report: initial ceed api. December 2017. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2542340.
  • Veselin Dobrev, Jack Dongarra, Jed Brown, Paul Fischer, Azzam Haidar, Ian Karlin, Tzanio Kolev, Misun Min, Tim Moon, Thilina Ratnayaka, Stanimire Tomov, and Vladimir Tomov. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Identify initial kernels, bake-off problems (benchmarks) and miniapps. July 2017. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2542333.
  • Kenneth E. Jansen, Michel Rasquin, Jed Brown, Cameron Smith, Mark S. Shephard, and Chris Carothers. Exascale Scientific Applications, chapter Extreme scale unstructured adaptive CFD for aerodynamic flow control. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2017. doi:10.1201/b21930-15.
  • Misun Min, Jed Brown, Veselin Dobrev, Paul Fischer, Tzanio Kolev, David Medina, Elia Merzari, Aleks Obabko, Scott Parker, Ron Rahaman, Stanimire Tomov, Vladimir Tomov, and Tim Warburton. CEED ECP Milestone Report: Initial Integration of CEED Software in ECP Applications. October 2017. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2542338.


  • Mark F. Adams, Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley, and Ravi Samtaney. Segmental refinement: a multigrid technique for data locality. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 38(4):C426–C440, 2016. arXiv:1406.7808, doi:10.1137/140975127.
  • Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley, Lois McInnes, and Barry Smith. Software Engineering for Science, chapter Providing Mixed Language and Legacy Support within a Library, pages 201–215. Taylor & Francis, 2016. doi:10.1201/9781315368924.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Jed Brown. Higher standards on the control of numerical accuracy. 2016. Whitepaper accepted to the DOE Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science (AXICCS).
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Dmitry Duplyakin*, Jed Brown, and Robert Ricci. Active learning in performance analysis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Cluster Conference. September 2016. Acceptance Rate 24.1URL:, doi:10.1109/CLUSTER.2016.63.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • M. Knepley, D. A. May, J. Brown, and B. Smith. Extensibility in PETSc. SIAM News, 2016. URL:


  • Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley, and Barry F. Smith. Run-time extensibility and librarization of simulation software. IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering, 17(1):38–45, 2015. doi:10.1109/MCSE.2014.95.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Eric C Cyr, Eric Phipps, Michael A Heroux, Jed Brown, Ethan T Coon, Mark Hoemmen, Robert C Kirby, Tzanio V Kolev, James C Sutherland, and Christian R Trott. Algorithms and abstractions for assembly in PDE codes: workshop report. Technical Report SAND2015-1379, Sandia National Laboratory, 2015. doi:10.2172/1504610.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Debojyoti Ghosh, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Jed Brown. Efficient implementation of nonlinear compact schemes on massively parallel platforms. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 37(3):C354–C383, 2015. Also preprint ANL/MCS-P5121-0414. doi:10.1137/140989261.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Matthew G. Knepley, Jed Brown, Lois Curfman McInnes, Barry Smith, Karl Rupp, and Mark Adams. Exascale computing without threads. 2015. Whitepaper for the DOE High Performance Computing Operational Review (HPCOR) on Scientific Software Architecture for Portability and Performance.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Matthew G. Knepley, Jed Brown, Lois Curfman McInnes, Barry Smith, Karl Rupp, and Mark Adams. Overview of the PETSc library. 2015. Whitepaper for the DOE High Performance Computing Operational Review (HPCOR) on Scientific Software Architecture for Portability and Performance.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • David A. May, Jed Brown, and Laetitia Le Pourhiet. A scalable, matrix-free multigrid preconditioner for finite element discretizations of heterogeneous Stokes flow. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 290(0):496–523, 2015. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2015.03.014.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Karl Rupp, Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley, Lois Curfman McInnes, and Barry F. Smith. On the evolution of user support topics in computational science and engineering software. ArXiv e-prints, 2015. Whitepaper for Computational Science & Engineering Software Sustainability and Productivity Challenges. arXiv:1510.01122.


  • M. F. Adams, J. Brown, J. Shalf, B. Van Straalen, E. Strohmaier, and S. Williams. HPGMG 1.0: a benchmark for ranking high performance computing systems. Technical Report LBNL-6630E, LBNL, Berkeley, 2014. doi:10.2172/1131029.
  • Debojyoti Ghosh, Emil M. Constantinescu, and Jed Brown. Scalable nonlinear compact schemes. Technical Report ANL/MCS-TM-340, Argonne National Laboratory, 2014.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Dave A. May, Jed Brown, and Laetitia Le Pourhiet. pTatin3D: High-performance methods for long-term lithospheric dynamics. In Proceedings of SC14: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. ACM, 2014. Acceptance Rate 21doi:10.1109/SC.2014.28.
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  • Mark F. Adams, Jed Brown, and Matthew G. Knepley. Low-communication techniques for extreme-scale multilevel solvers. In Exascale Mathematics Workshop, Aug 21–22, Washington, DC. DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, 2013.
  • Jennifer Arrigo, Jed Brown, Louise Kellogg, Lorraine Hwang, Scott Peckham, and David Tarboton. EarthCube modeling workshop results. Technical Report, Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics, 2013. URL:
  • J. Brown. Scalable repository workflows. 2013. Whitepaper submitted to DOE Workshop on Software Productivity for Extreme-Scale Science, available via \url
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Jed Brown. Vectorization, communication aggregation, and reuse in stochastic and temporal dimensions. In Exascale Mathematics Workshop, Aug 21–22, Washington, DC. DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, 2013.
  • Jed Brown and Peter Brune. Low-rank quasi-Newton updates for robust Jacobian lagging in Newton-type methods. In International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2554–2565. 2013.
    PDF ] [BibTeX]
  • Jed Brown, Barry F. Smith, and Aron Ahmadia. Achieving textbook multigrid efficiency for hydrostatic ice flow. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(2):359–375, 2013. Also preprint ANL/MCS-P743-1298. doi:10.1137/110834512.
  • Barry F. Smith Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley. Run-time extensibility: anything less is unsustainable. In Workshop towards Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE). 2013. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.791571.
  • David E. Keyes, Lois Curfman McInnes, Carol Woodward, William Gropp, Eric Myra, Michael Pernice, John Bell, Jed Brown, Alain Clo, Jeffrey Connors, Emil Constantinescu, Don Estep, Kate Evans, Charbel Farhat, Ammar Hakim, Glenn Hammond, Glen Hansen, Judith Hill, Tobin Isaac, Xiangmin Jiao, Kirk Jordan, Dinesh Kaushik, Efthimios Kaxiras, Alice Koniges, Kihwan Lee, Aaron Lott, Qiming Lu, John Magerlein, Reed Maxwell, Michael McCourt, Miriam Mehl, Roger Pawlowski, Amanda Peters Randles, Daniel Reynolds, Beatrice Rivière, Ulrich Rüde, Tim Scheibe, John Shadid, Brendan Sheehan, Mark Shephard, Andrew Siegel, Barry Smith, Xianzhu Tang, Cian Wilson, and Barbara Wohlmuth. Multiphysics simulations: challenges and opportunities. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 27(1):4–83, February 2013. Special issue. doi:10.1177/1094342012468181.
  • Matthew G. Knepley, Jed Brown, Lois Curfman McInnes, and Barry F. Smith. Accurately citing software and algorithms used in publications. In Workshop towards Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE). 2013. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.785731.
  • Tareq M. Malas, Aron J. Ahmadia, Jed Brown, John A. Gunnels, and David E. Keyes. Optimizing the performance of streaming numerical kernels on the IBM BlueGene/P PowerPC 450 processor. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 27(2):193–209, 2013. doi:10.1177/1094342012444795.
  • M. G. Knepley, J. Brown, K. Rupp, and B. F. Smith. Achieving high performance with unified residual evaluation. ArXiv e-prints, September 2013. arXiv:1309.1204.


  • Mark Adams, Jed Brown, and Barry F. Smith. Exascale programming models must vigorously enable libraries. In DOE Exascale Research Conference. 2012.
  • Mihai Anitescu, Jed Brown, Paul Fischer, Sven Leyffer, Lois Curfman McInnes, Todd Munson, and Barry F. Smith. Exascale co-design opportunities: Multilevel approaches for hierarchical models, architectures, algorithms, and software. In DOE Exascale Research Conference. 2012.
  • Rodney Biezuner, Jed Brown, Grey Ercole, and Eder Martins. Computing the first eigenpair of the $p$-Laplacian via inverse iteration of sublinear supersolutions. Journal of Scientific Computing, 52:180–201, 2012. doi:10.1007/s10915-011-9540-0.
  • Jed Brown. User-defined non-blocking collectives must make progress. IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing, 2012. URL:
  • Jed Brown, Matthew G. Knepley, David A. May, Lois C. McInnes, and Barry F. Smith. Composable linear solvers for multiphysics. In Proceeedings of the 11th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2012), 55–62. IEEE Computer Society, 2012. doi:10.1109/ISPDC.2012.16.
  • L. Ridgway Scott, Jed Brown, George W. Bergantz, Dan Cooley, Clint Dawson, Maarten de Hoop, Donald Estep, Natasha Flyer, Efi Foufoula-Georgiou, Michael Ghil, Matthew Knepley, Randall J. LeVeque, Lek-Heng Lim, Serge Prudhomme, Adrian Sandu, Frederik J. Simons, Philip B. Stark, Michael Stein, Seth Stein, Toshiro Tanimoto, Daniel Tartakovsky, Jonathan Weare, Robert Weiss, Grady B. Wright, and Dave Yuen. Fostering interactions between the geosciences and mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Technical Report 2012-02, University of Chicago, 2012.
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  • Barry Smith, Lois Curfman McInnes, Emil Constantinescu, Mark Adams, Satish Balay, Jed Brown, Matthew Knepley, and Hong Zhang. PETSc's software strategy for the design space of composable extreme-scale solvers. Preprint ANL/MCS-P2059-0312, Argonne National Laboratory, 2012. DOE Exascale Research Conference, April 16-18, 2012, Portland, OR.


  • Jason M. Amundson, Mark Fahnestock, Martin Truffer, Jed Brown, Martin P. Lüthi, and Roman J. Motyka. Ice mélange dynamics and implications for terminus stability, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115:F01005, 2010. doi:10.1029/2009JF001405.
  • Jed Brown. Efficient nonlinear solvers for nodal high-order finite elements in 3D. Journal of Scientific Computing, 45:48–63, 2010. doi:10.1007/s10915-010-9396-8.
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  • Edward Bueler and Jed Brown. Shallow shelf approximation as a “sliding law” in a thermomechanically coupled ice sheet model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 114(F3):F03008, 2009. arXiv:0810.3449, doi:10.1029/2008JF001179.
  • K. Burckhardt, D. Szczerba, J. Brown, K. Muralidhar, and G. Székely. Fast implicit simulation of oscillatory flow in human abdominal bifurcation using a schur complement preconditioner. In H. Sips, D. Epema, and H.-X. Lin, editors, Euro-Par 2009 Parallel Processing, volume 5704 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 747–759. Springer, August 2009. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03869-3_70.


  • E. Bueler, J. Brown, and C. Lingle. Exact solutions to the thermomechanically coupled shallow ice approximation: effective tools for verification. J. Glaciol, 53:499–516, 2007. doi:10.3189/002214307783258396.
  • Edward Bueler, Craig S. Lingle, and Jed Brown. Fast computation of a viscoelastic deformable Earth model for ice-sheet simulations. Annals of Glaciology, 46:97–105, 2007. doi:10.3189/172756407782871567.


  • Edward Bueler, Craig S. Lingle, Jed A. Kallen-Brown, David N. Covey, and Latrice N. Bowman. Exact solutions and numerical verification for isothermal ice sheets. Journal of Glaciology, 51(173):291–306, 2005. doi:10.3189/172756505781829449.